Spiritual Life Committee
The mission of the Spiritual Life Committee at St. Andrews is to provide opportunities and events that assist and support members of our faith community in their ongoing faith development and spiritual growth.
The Spiritual Life Committee is an exciting and vibrant ministry that is always in need of new members and suggestions for programs and events.
The Spiritual Life Commitee offers the following events each year:
Active Adult Events
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Small Group Faith Sharing
Wednesday Evening Prayer Group
Advent Evening of Reflection
Lenten Evening of Reflection
Annual Parish Mission
Adult Faith Enrichment Series
Women of Joy Prayer Breakfasts
Cornerstone Women's Retreats
Messages of the Heart
Vermont Spiritual Retreat
Divorce Care Sessions
Bereavement Education
Taize Prayer Evenings
After Mass Summer Hospitality
Theater Trips to New York City
Cancer Support Groups
To volunteer or to inquire about any of the above events or programs, please call Sr. Guia at 856-784-8501 or contact Sr. Guia via email.
Rev. Msgr. Louis A. Marucci
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Anthony Infanti
Hospital Chaplain
Rev. Varghese Srambickal