
Rightly, then, the liturgy is considered as an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. In the liturgy the sanctification of the man is signified by signs perceptible to the senses, and is effected in a way which corresponds with each of these signs; in the liturgy the whole public worship is performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the Head and His members.

From this it follows that every liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the priest and of His Body which is the Church, is a sacred action surpassing all others; no other action of the Church can equal its efficacy by the same title and to the same degree.  SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM


At Saint Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, our public worship in all liturgies strives to fulfill the spirit that echoes throughout the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy. Our parishioners are actively engaged in the various liturgical ministries that function throughout the Mass and other liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans, adult acolytes and altar servers, lectors, greeters/ushers, musicians, and sound ministry all perform their roles with dedication, enthusiasm and a sincere desire to serve. There are always opportunities in each one of these ministries for additional volunteers and we warmly welcome you to join us in serving the Lord and His people.

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