Youth Ministry Opportunities to Serve

How is God Calling You to Serve?

Bible Study Group Middle School Youth Group
Cake Bakers Mission Opportunities (Local, National and International)
Christian Cupboard New Visions Day Shelter
Classroom Aide Nursing Home Companion
Clothing Distribution Ministry Teen Choir
Greeters Teen Mass and Fellowship
HandBell Choir Ushers
High School Youth Group Vacation Bible School
Hospitality After Mass Youth Altar Servers (Grades 6-12)
Instrumentalists Youth Ministry Advisory Committee

Read More about Some of the Opportunities for You to Get Involved

High School Youth Group

All High School age teens are welcome to join and participate in social, spiritual and service activities. Youth ministry provides the opportunity to meet friends, strengthen your faith and serve others through service projects, retreats, and other social and spiritual gatherings. Meets at least every other Sunday 7:15-8:45 PM. Time Commitment: Varied; 1-2 Hours every other week.

Teen Mass and Fellowship

This Mass is designed especially for Youth. All those who are able to sing, play an instrument, enjoy reading or serving at Mass will be able to participate in this liturgy. Following Mass, we will gather for food, fellowship and reflections on the Gospel. (Every other Sunday at 6 PM) Time Commitment: 1-2 Hours per month.

Youth Ministry Advisory Committee

Composed of adult leaders and junior high and high school teens. These teams are the core leadership units of our youth ministry; they articulate the needs and goals and do the visioning, planning and implementation of youth formation in the parish. Time Commitment: 1-2 Hours per month. 

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