100th birthday celebration of Legion of Mary's sister Teresa Valencia’s mother. Nanny Teresa celebrated her birthday at mass presided by Monsignor Marucci. Refreshments for all followed the mass.
Members of the Legion of Mary's praesidium Queen of the Apostles attended the annual Acies event at St. Simon Stock Church March 23. Members rededicate themselves to Our Blessed Mother and pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance in their works and prayers. Father Anthony Infanti presided. His homily focused upon the three C'c of the Legion: Conversion, Consolation and Conservation. The Event concluded with Adoration of the Euchariist.
The active members of the Legion attend a group get-together at
Sister Joanne Slattery's house. Good food plus camaraderie
equals community action.
Rev. Msgr. Louis A. Marucci
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Anthony Infanti
Hospital Chaplain
Rev. Varghese Srambickal